A skiltaire having fun at (or above) the beach! Drawn by Wendell Washer (look him up on IMDB!) some time before May 1983. It's hard to tell because the reprint was so small, but that might say © 79.. or 83? Woof. Republished (I think) in C/FO Bulletin #22, preserved by Confurence.com. The previous page talks about having a different little art gallery for every meeting, relevant to their interests (storyboards, cels, so on) and this next page had a bunch of skiltaire art on it. Hoping that means an earlier issue holds a goldmine, hoho. https://archive.org/details/1983-05-cfo-bulletin-22/1983-05%20CFO%20Bulletin%2022/page/n1/mode/2up