
Don't get too excited! This is from 1979; that doesn't say Fanta.com

Drawn by Mark Merlino for the back cover (I think) for Fanta's Zine #2, the C/FO's fanzine. Readers were encouraged to write articles, sure, but they could also just write letters (which made up the bulk of this early issue). This page held the editorial (Disney and Universal were suing Sony because people could record movies with Betamax--my, how nothing changes) and an "Ask Fanta" section:

If you have any questions about C/FO activities, items in our library, or cartoons in general, send them to me. If you need any technical info. , send it in and I'll refer it to Sy; he knows all about the hardware. I will also answer any personal questions, if there not _too_ personal. My adress is below, hope to hear from you soon!

I believe Sy was another mascot siltaire at the time, possibly already Mark's personal character. Fanta-Sy :B


Am I a big enough nerd to hunt down zines the next time I find myself in LA..?